Why Real Estate is a Great Investment

Tony Ketterling • June 7, 2024

Why Real Estate is a Great Investment

Real estate investing has long been considered one of the best ways to build and sustain wealth.

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Real estate investing has long been considered one of the best ways to build and sustain wealth. It offers a combination of income, appreciation, and stability that few other investments can match. In this blog post, weā€™ll explore the fundamentals of real estate investing, its historical performance, the benefits of tangible assets, and how it compares to other investment vehicles.

Historical Performance of Real Estate

Real estate is a great investment because of its historical performance. Over the decades, real estate has shown a consistent upward trend in value. This appreciation is driven by several factors, including inflation, population growth, and increasing demand for housing.

Key Points:

  • Steady Appreciation: Real estate values have historically increased, making it a reliable long-term investment. Even during economic downturns, property values tend to recover and appreciate.
  • Inflation Hedge: Real estate often acts as a hedge against inflation. As the cost of living rises, so do property values and rental incomes, which help preserve purchasing power.
  • Tax Benefits: Investors can take advantage of existing home tax advantages, such as deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation.

According to data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the median existing-home sale price has increased by an average of 5.8% annually from 1968 to 2021. This steady appreciation makes real estate a compelling investment choice for building long-term wealth[8ā€ source][10ā€ source].

Benefits of Tangible Assets

Real estate is a tangible asset with intrinsic value and physical presence. This tangibility provides several advantages over other forms of investment.

Key Points:

  • Physical Asset: Unlike stocks or bonds, real estate is a tangible asset that investors can see and touch. This tangibility often provides a sense of security for them.
  • Usability: Real estate can be used or rented out to generate income. These assets can produce cash flow through rent or leasing agreements, whether residential, commercial, or industrial property. Property owners have a significant degree of control over their investments. They can make improvements, adjust rental rates, and implement strategies to increase property value and income.

Furthermore, tangible assets like real estate are less susceptible to financial markets' volatility and speculation. This stability is a major draw for investors looking for reliable, long-term growth[10ā€ source].

Comparison with Other Investment Vehicles

Compared to other investment vehicles such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, real estate offers unique benefits that can enhance an investorā€™s portfolio.

Key Points:

  • Diversification: Real estate provides diversification benefits by reducing an investment portfolio's overall risk. Since real estate often has a low correlation with other asset classes, it so it can help mitigate market volatility risks
  • Leverage: Investors can use leverage (borrowed capital) to acquire real estate, which can amplify returns. This ability to finance a property purchase with a mortgage allows investors to control a more valuable asset with less capital.
  • Income Generation: Real estate generates passive income through rental payments, which can provide a steady cash flow. This income can be reinvested or. cover living expenses, creating a reliable revenue stream.

In contrast, stocks and bonds can be more volatile and subject to market fluctuations. While they can offer high returns, they also come with higher risks. Real estateā€™s blend of appreciation, income, and stability makes it an attractive alternative or complement to traditional investments[11ā€ source].

Conclusion Real estate is a time-tested investment that offers a combination of appreciation, income, and stability. Its historical performance, tangible nature, and unique advantages over other investment vehicles make it a cornerstone of wealth-building strategies. Whether youā€™re a seasoned investor or just starting, understanding the benefits of real estate can help you make informed decisions and achieve long-term financial success.

Stay tuned for next weekā€™s blog, in which weā€™ll discuss the different types of real estate investments and how they can fit into your overall investment strategy.

References: National Association of Realtors (NAR) Investopedia Forbes

Tony Ketterling

CEO of Equity Real Estate

As the CEO of Equity Real Estate, I bring over four decades of management and leadership experience to the real estate market, where I have been actively involved since 2000. Equity, the #15 independent real estate company in the nation, boasts a constantly growing network of over 3,500 agents. My passion for the industry drives me to support and guide my team in delivering exceptional client service.

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